
Integra Sitek AG | Neckarsulmstrasse 24 | CH-2540 Grenchen
Address:Integra Sitek AG | Neckarsulmstrasse 24 | CH-2540 Grenchen

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523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA

3D printing and
CNC machining



Our prototype and sample development services includes both the production of parts in-house and cooperation with our partners. We have state-of-the-art machines and equipment to produce parts through 3D printing and CNC machining.

When it comes to larger quantities or specialized production processes, we work closely with our experienced partners to ensure that we can offer our customers the best possible solution.

We are proud to offer our customers fast and reliable deliveries of high-quality prototypes and 3D printing samples that meet their requirements. Contact us today to find out how we can help you develop your products.